Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Aug 12 15:15:29 EDT 2023

On 8/12/2023 11:36 AM, David Eckhardt wrote:
> I have a smaller LG TV in my radio room.  I can turn it on or off with just
> 10-watts or a bit less as long as an antenna of any kind is connected to
> the TV (even an 18" cliplead) .  No antenna, no problem - but, of course,
> no TV.

Maybe 10 years ago, fellow NCCC member W4UAT gave me a 24-in Samsung 
monitor that turned on and off with RF. As I recall, it had touch 
controls to turn it on and off, maybe more functions. Larry lived on a 
small lot, with antennas quite close. I used it for a bit, had that 
problem only on one or two bands where antennas were close to the house. 
I think it might have also made noise, don't recall.

I blamed the problem on the touch controls, which like touch lamps, have 
very high-Z circuitry that is virtually impossible to fix. By then, I'd 
already discovered 24-in Samsung monitors at Costco that run on 14VDC, 
without touch controls, that are RF quiet when not run on their supplied 
SMPS wall warts. Between us, W6GJB and I own about ten of them that we 
use in the shack, his contesting trailer, and as extension screens for 
laptops. All are powered from our own 12-14VDC systems. I mostly use 12V 
batteries floated from linear warts.

Newer monitors and receivers are mostly run from higher DC voltages. 
Last I looked, 20V or so was common. I re-gifted that touch-controlled 
Samsung to a neighbor.

73, Jim K9YC

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