[RFI] Possible interloper or RFI on 2 meters

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Sat Aug 12 15:55:00 EDT 2023

Although I am not certain that this forum addresses the issue I am about to mention, I 
thought I better start here.

I am finding what I suspect is an "interloper" on 2 meters, specifically 146.405 MHz, in the 
Spokane, Washington area. 

I am not at all certain that what I am hearing is NOT supposed to be there, but it seems too 
annoying to NOT mention.

There is a periodic signal being keyed on that frequency of what sounds like a gas engine 
running at high RPM. What I am hearing MAY be some form of telemetry, or some form of 
digital information, but I have not heard a similar signal ever.

There is a new DMR station of some sort, possibly a repeater, near or maybe even on that 
frequency, but I have not yet been able to determine this with any certainty.

First, do DMR repeaters identify themselves by a repeated signal of similar sound, a 
high-speed, open-exhaust system gasoline engine running?

If not, and this IS some sort of interloper, how do we track this down?

I happened to run into it due a local EMCOMMS group attempting to establish some form of 
calling frequency, somewhat similar in use to 146.52 MHz. I programmed 146.405 MHz into 
my mobile 2 meter rig, and on several recent trips from my home town, Moscow, Idaho, to 
Spokane, Washington heard this signal repeatedly and it was MOST annoying.

I can find no repeaters on this frequency listed in the Spokane area on the on-line Repeater 



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