[RFI] LED Street lights

Eric Rosenberg ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 18:57:26 EDT 2023

Yesterday my city (Washington, DC) replaced our neighborhood’s street lights with LED ones. I suspect they will be installed in the alley on the other side of my city (140 ft x 40 ft) lot. 


I didn’t get a chance to take a picture of the one on the pole in front of my house, nor have I checked out ow noisy they are, if at all. 


I hope to o do that in the next week or so (been very busy at work).


I don’t have a pan adapter or and test gear other than  m y K3.


That being said,  what should I be listening for?  I nothing else, I assume they’ll be brighter. 


Thanks & 73,


Eric W3DQ

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