[RFI] Peculiar Noise

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Dec 23 14:46:47 EST 2023

On 12/23/2023 11:34 AM, Steve London wrote:
> It will be on for several hours at a time, then disappear. Nothing else
> like it between 40 and 60 MHz. I would never have noticed it, except it
> sometimes parks itself on 50313, the 6 meter FT8 frequency.

I strongly recommend NK7I's technique, using a wide waterfall from an 
SDR over 24 hours to study the comings and goings of what are often 
multiple sources, and identifying one or more as what you're hearing. 
This gives clues about WHEN to DF it, and on what frequency(ies).

Also, my applications note about using that spectrum/waterfall to 
determine whether the source is electronically generated or arcing, 
usually in the power distribution system.


73, Jim K9YC

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