[RFI] Sources of wideband hiss

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Sat Dec 23 21:41:17 EST 2023


73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 12/23/23 11:19, Frank W3LPL wrote:
> Like all other RFI, the first steps are
>   1. turn off all AC power in your own home and turn off
> all UPSes.  If the noise disappears, you can use your
> circuit breakers as a next step in isolating the RFI source
> 2.  If that fails, use a small directional antenna and hand portable
> radio to determine the location of the source
> Guessing the source is rarely useful
> 73
> Frank
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: nlsa at nlsa.com
> To: "Rfi List" <rfi at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2023 7:09:53 PM
> Subject: [RFI] Sources of wideband hiss
> Dear friends,
> What are some sources of wideband hiss?  I'm talking about an unstructured,
> apparently unmodulated many-dB increase in the noise floor across the 2m
> band*  No associated birdies or other noticeable signals, just a nasty hiss.
> I see it in the direction of high-voltage power lines 2km away and also
> toward a couple of houses I just a few hundred meters distant.  The
> mechanisms of those sources are not necessarily the same of course.  Ideas
> welcome.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> *I don't know whether it affects other HF or VHF bands.
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