[RFI] Sources of wideband hiss
nlsa at nlsa.com
nlsa at nlsa.com
Sat Dec 23 21:46:46 EST 2023
Dear Jim –
It’s just a general rise in the noise floor, as if you turned the audio volume up. It sounds like noise; perhaps “hiss” is not the best word to use.
From: AA5CT <jwin95 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2023 5:51 PM
To: 'Rfi List' <rfi at contesting.com>; nlsa at nlsa.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Sources of wideband hiss
Q: What mode are you using to note 'hiss'?
Can I ask whey you hear in AM mode, IOW, 'envelope detection' mode (vs say, SSB)?
de AA5CT Jim
On Saturday, December 23, 2023, 1:14:01 PM GMT-6, <nlsa at nlsa.com <mailto:nlsa at nlsa.com> > wrote:
Dear friends,
What are some sources of wideband hiss? I'm talking about an unstructured,
apparently unmodulated many-dB increase in the noise floor across the 2m
band* No associated birdies or other noticeable signals, just a nasty hiss.
I see it in the direction of high-voltage power lines 2km away and also
toward a couple of houses I just a few hundred meters distant. The
mechanisms of those sources are not necessarily the same of course. Ideas
Best regards,
*I don't know whether it affects other HF or VHF bands.
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