[RFI] Noise Level During Power Outage
k9ma at sdellington.us
Wed Feb 1 18:24:15 EST 2023
When I bought some LED fixtures for the kitchen a few years ago, I
connected a power cord to them at home and tested them for RFI before
installing them. All were OK. One of my neighbors unwittingly helped me
identify a quiet power supply for LED light strings, by having a very
noisy one, The vendor replaced it with one from a different
manufacturer, which was quiet. I bought some of those for my own home.
Scott K9MA
On 2/1/2023 4:07 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> Very interesting and timely (at least for me). I am at the beginning
> of an extensive basement redo, which will involve on the order of a
> dozen round 6-watt equivalent LED lights in the ceiling. I was
> concerned about the same sort of problem, so I bought one example and
> plugged it into an outlet strip on my operating desk. I could find no
> RFI anywhere in HF (or rather nothing that turned on and off with the
> light fixture).
> For anyone who wants to know, the light I tested is a Commercial
> Electric 6" recessed light kit. It is made in Thailand and sold by
> Home Depot. The item number is 1005 591 792. The light itself feels
> like there is a transformer behind the LED panel - simply based on
> weight. I wrote to Commercial Electric to inquire, and the only
> response I got was, essentially, "Huh?"
> Do those of you who understand such things, more than I do, think that
> I'm probably safe in going ahead with these units, based on my test?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> On 2/1/2023 4:22 PM, Gary NA6O via RFI wrote:
>>>> On 2/1/2023 4:52 AM, K9MA wrote:
>>>>> Besides the preponderance of 120 Hz harmonics in the AM audio, the
>>>>> very broadband nature of line noise is usually the main indicator.
>>>> 120 Hz is also a strong component of electronic noise generated by
>>>> power supplies and power control equipment. The audio spectrum is not
>>>> a great clue -- the RF/IF waterfall shows where the bodies are buried.
>>>> 73, Jim K9YC
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>> That's true, but I have never seen broadband noise with 120 Hz
>>> harmonics
>>> in the AM audio which was NOT power line noise. And, alas, I've seen a
>>> lot of line noise.
>>> 73,
>>> Scott K9MA
>> I have an LED fixture for you that produces 120 Hz buzz over decades
>> of bandwidth, nearly indistinguishable from an arcing power line: The
>> Elite RL675. Twenty-one of these, installed next door, resulted in a
>> 1.5 year shootout including ARRL and the FCC and even after
>> mitigation left my home station permanently QRT. Yes, it can be that
>> bad... Full story is on my RFI page. Here are detailed measurements
>> on said fixture:
>> https://na6o.com/main/RFI_files/Elite%20RL675%20RFI%20Test%20Report.pdf
>> <https://na6o.com/main/RFI_files/Elite%20RL675%20RFI%20Test%20Report.pdf>
>> 73,
>> Gary NA6O
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Scott K9MA
k9ma at sdellington.us
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