[RFI] LG 12,000 BTU Model Advice

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Thu Feb 2 00:54:10 EST 2023

Hi James,

If it were me I would do the following:

Visit a store which has the exact same AC unit I am interested in, in 
stock.  I'd then ask to turn it on.  I'd bring a portable shortwave 
radio with me, and a very short antenna on a coax cable.  I would then 
probe for RFI, around the AC unit, and along the power cord of the unit, 
while turned on, and while turned off.  Once I had a feel for the unit, 
I would unplug it to see if anything changed...  If I found no RFI, or 
very little RFI, I would buy that unit on the spot, and make sure I got 
the one I was looking at, not a different one.

If I heard a little RFI, I would not worry too much about it, "a 
little", is a relative term...

I would also bring a number of Mix31 ferrites with me that will go 
around the AC cord of the AC unit, and drop them on at the AC unit where 
the AC cord enters the AC units case.  I would then listen to how much 
RFI I pick up on the AC power cord, and in general, all around the unit. 
  Again, if little to no RFI...  I'd buy it.

If I discovered serious RFI at any of these stages, I'd move on...

Hope that helps...

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 2/1/23 21:28, James Gordon Beattie Jr wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> I have an LG LW1222ERSM 12,000 BTU air conditioner that sadly needs to be replaced.
> The dimensions are 15x24 going through a framed hole in the wall ofbthec10x16 foot ham shack.  This somewhat constrains replacement choices.
> I noted that I could buy the same model or an LG LW1222IVSM which is a "dual inverter" model.  I'm not sure of the benefits in buying this inverter model, but I am a bit concerned over the noise potential of the inverters.
> Does anyone have experience with this model or another LG inverter model?
> Up to now, I've had no noise issues with the standard model, but since this in the ham shack, I figured it might be good to ask.  Also, the outdoor meter panel is 20 feet away and the indoor ham shack subpanel is 10 feet away.  Power from the utility transformer is aerial and 160 feet away.  The air conditioner is on a dedicated 20 A 115 VAC breaker from the ham shack  subpanel
> Thoughts anyone?
> 73,
> J. Gordon "Gordie" Beattie, Jr., W2TTT
> 201.314.6964
> Gordon.BeattieJr at VIAVISolutions.com
> Get On The Air!
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