[RFI] Wireless power transfer devices in the MHz range

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 25 04:39:20 EST 2023

"should make the tinfoil hat society go stark-raving nuts."

That could be a better weapon against RFI than enforceable regulations, 
and the fcc!!!

Speaking of whack-jobs, RFI, energy, et cetera...

About 15 years ago I was talking with a gal that was extremely concerned 
about EMI, and the like.  She went on, and on about protecting herself 
from stray fields, power lines, phones, et cetera.

I noticed the "glass cockpit" in her vehicle, didn't say anything, but 
grabbed some detectors from ~100kHz - ~1 GHz, and started running them 
by the dashboard.  She was curious of all the horrific noises they 

I explained to her that it was all the electro-magnetic radiation coming 
from the equipment in her vehicle, and demonstrated that most of it came 
from the displays behind the steering wheel, right in front of where she 
sits.  She expressed concern, but I suggested it was safe- for everyone 
outside the metal can that made up the vehicle, but couldn't offer any 
suggestions for those secured inside, with the sources, like in a 
microwave oven, beyond that she probably added a layer of protection by 
blocking and absorbing a lot of the radiation herself when inside.  The 
look on her face was classic.  "Yeah, you didn't think to step-two, did 


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