KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 20 00:38:34 EST 2023

"Very informative both from a technical angle as well as the process of 
finding out who to talk to to get the issue recognised and resolved."

Would that be the Federal enforcement agency that makes/enforces the 
regulations using their own resources, and our expenses, or just one 
club you and I may, or may not, be a member of, that somehow managed to 
get themselves involved?

What would one think if it were a bunch of pissy neighbourhood watch 
clowns whining their way into the CIA for a few decades?  Yeah...

But, as one said, Ed writes up, and posts some interesting things.  I 
have about 12 years worth saved.  VERY insightful.  I suggest reading 
them in order, out of context is fine, as they are pure gold unto 


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