[RFI] re Solar plant interference

Kenny Silverman kenny.k2kw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 22:03:45 EST 2023

Hi John,

Anegada island, likely our last verticals on a beach trip. We’ll be down for the ARRL 10m contest   The solar array was supposed to be on line in November, but construction hasn’t started so that date is likely wishful thinking ( to our advantage). The plant would be about 3 miles away from the place I rented. 

Regards , Kenny K2KW 

> On Mar 6, 2023, at 8:15 PM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
> What island? 
> I would try to operate as far away as possible from this solar array as I
> would except RFI from it.  It is definitely becoming harder and harder to
> find a semi-quiet location.
> John ex VP2V/KK9A 
> Kenneth Silverman K2KW
> I've been planning a trip to VP2V, and I just noticed the island is about
> to open a new solar array to power the island.  Is there any concern about
> interference?  I haven't found the location of the array, but it's a small
> and flat island.  The main "town" is about 1 to 1.5 miles away so the array
> could be there.
> Many thanks, Kenny K2KW
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