[RFI] Enphase

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Thu May 25 14:48:17 EDT 2023

Hi Carl,

A home in my subdivision 0.2 miles away from mine had an Enphase system
installed a few months ago.  I did park about 400 feet from his house and
using my portable HF gear there was nothing obvious that I could detect
between 1.8 and 30 MHz but now I want to get permission from the homeowner
to do more sophisticated measurements starting right at his power
distribution box on the side of his house.  I do know what his hardware
model numbers are and will have to dig that info back out.

Don wd8dsb

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 2:22 PM Carl Foster <carlfoster at cactuscomm.net>

> I told the solar salesmen selling Solar Edge to pound sand and
> never return. Another salesman came by and had a low-pressure
> approach. His company uses Enphase inverters and distribution
> equipment. Has anyone had experience with Enphase?
> The installation company is Genesis Power Solutions.
> Both companies appear legitimate.
> Carl  KB7AZ
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