[RFI] Enphase

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Mon May 29 12:47:43 EDT 2023

I have Enphase IQ7A and IQ7+. The inverters are not adding any noise to 
the already existing noise from the house on 40m and higher frequencies.
I dot not use 160 and 80 at daytime.

My 10/15/20 beam is 6 meter from the closest inverter.

I have no experience with the new IQ8 series.

73 Henk PA5KT

Op 25-5-2023 om 20:21 schreef Carl Foster:
> I told the solar salesmen selling Solar Edge to pound sand and
> never return. Another salesman came by and had a low-pressure
> approach. His company uses Enphase inverters and distribution
> equipment. Has anyone had experience with Enphase?
> The installation company is Genesis Power Solutions.
> Both companies appear legitimate.
> Carl  KB7AZ
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