[RFI] FW: 65-foot cell tower in Chandler golf community can't be sto

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 06:23:01 EST 2023

When it comes to technical stuff a lot of people are ignorant.  And
many people adopt positions based on emotions.  It's always been that
way throughout history.  This isn't what's amazing.  What's amazing is
that the government is forcing this community to allow this antenna,
something that's never happened for a ham antenna as far as I know.  I
didn't read the newspaper story and newspaper reporting can be wildly
incorrect nowadays so my observation may be off base.  Otherwise, if
you are Apple, Google, Verizon, etc. you could put an antenna on top
of the Washington Monument but everyone else, no way.  $$$$$


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