[RFI] FW: 65-foot cell tower in Chandler golf community can't be sto

James Jordan k4qpl2 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 15:39:29 EST 2023

I think if we had a list moderator this pseudo political thread would have been halted long before now. Give it a break, guys. 
Jim K4QPL 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 8, 2023, at 3:31 PM, mstangelo at comcast.net wrote:
> If you live in an area that has tropical storms, hurricanes or forest fires you will appreciate cellular service. Tropical Storm Sandy slammed into coastal New Jersey and I lost power, cable and landline service for 15 days. The cellphone was our lifeline. In the worst secnario the test messages got through.
> Do you have one of those freebe senior citizen flip-phones? Make sure the texting works.
> Mike N2MS
>>> On 11/8/2023 4:21 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>>> If you want to jabber at me about some false notion that I think cell 
>>> phones have no utility and you want to navel gaze okay fine but you are 
>>> wasting your time with me. I think we can exist without them if we have to.
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