[RFI] Bosch Heat pumps and RFI/Solar list

Gene Smar ersmar at verizon.net
Mon Nov 13 12:33:57 EST 2023

Check with Steve W1RFI at arrl.org for help. He might have RFI performance info on the heat pump.
Good luck. 
73 deGene Smar AD3F 

Sent from my Radio Shack TRS-80 model 100 laptop 
  On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 12:26 PM, K5RHD Randy Diddel<k5rhd.73 at gmail.com> wrote:   Hello RFI collective!

Our gas HVAC system is on its last legs. My long-term goal for the QTH is to convert to solar but before it is worth doing, I belive that we should change the gas heating to an electric heat pump system Bosch has a sytem that works in the cold to below zero temps. Converting as much of our non-electric energy costs to electric to make solar worth the effort. Before I pull the trigger on that expense, I am wondering if there has been any good/bad experience with the Bosch BOVA/B-36 IDS 2.0 system. We will be installing a 3 ton system.
Also, for the future is there a curated list of GOOD solar panels, inverters, etc. I don't want to ruin my hobby and would like a known quiet system-there is already enough noise to fight in my neighborhood!
Thanks and 73!
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