[RFI] From: [irca] Strange RFI

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Tue Nov 14 12:14:07 EST 2023

I have seen something like that here as well...  You will need to gather 
a lot more info, and do some hunting...



This will help you define the schedule the RFI keeps...

I suspect what I am seeing, is a variable duty cycle fan...  No reason 
to suspect this other than a guess at it...

The RFI I see, seems to be related to outside temperature...  During 70 
to 75 degree weather, I almost never see it.  The colder, or hotter it 
gets the more I see it.  It also changes activity at night...

All of this is fun, but does not locate the RFI...  It's loop and radio 

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 11/14/23 08:55, Facility 406 wrote:
> Received the following message through another forum this morning. 
> Peculiar RFI I've not seen, or heard before.
> Ideas?
> Original poster email address is:
> mark at spacetubes.com
> Original message below:
> Wondering if anyone has seen any RFI that looks like this.
> https://spacetubes.com/DX/Digital.RFI.Lower.AM.Band.Start--2023.Nov.14--sdkaz--perseus.mp4
> https://spacetubes.com/DX/Digital.RFI.Lower.AM.Band.End--2023.Nov.14--sdkaz--perseus.mp4
> The first link shows it starting up, then it goes like that for a while 
> (sometimes a long time - half an hour or more), then it ends like what's 
> shown in the second link,
> Then it can be quiet for a random amount of time, before it starts up 
> again.
> Mark Pettifor
> Goshen, IN -- en71ao
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