[RFI] WiFi Switches

Stephanie WX3K wx3k at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 16 18:21:18 EST 2023

There are a slew of inexpensive chinese Smart WiFi switch relay modules on eBay that operate thru an app called Tuya or Google Home or Alexa. 

The relays are rated to 15A at 120. Not the rating you wanted.

Decent quality boards

You cant beat the price…..$10-$15

Overall, anything can be susceptible to RFI if precautions are not taken with wiring routes and lack of filtering.


> On Nov 16, 2023, at 2:13 PM, Dan K2YWE <dan.k2ywe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can someone recommend a 120VAC 20 or 30A WiFi (controlled over the
> internet) switch that is known to have no ham radio RFI issues?
> 73, Dan
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