[RFI] RFI - 2018 Jeep Wrangler

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 17:42:49 EST 2023

I do not run mobile while driving, so,....no.

HOWEVER, if you do radio astronomy and specifically the deep space hydrogen
line at 1420.405751 MHz, you'll rapidly discover the cell modem in the Jeep
puts out an hellish amount of crap right on the hydrogen frequency.  That
is an internationally protected band.  It is the second harmonic of the
modem.  I've emailed Jeep a number of times with recorded data.  In a year
and a half, I've received absolutely nothing from them.  It's nasty and
severely interfers with the Water Hole in general.  They don't give a
rip......... or should I write don't give a SH*T?

Dave - WØLEV

On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 9:19 PM Stephanie WX3K via RFI <rfi at contesting.com>

> I own a 2018 Jeep Wrangler Sport unlimited. In general, I Love the vehicle.
> I just finished installing the following gear for the first time:
> Yaesu FT-817
> Elecraft KXPA-100
> I devised a custom mount for a 102” whip on the corner of the Jeep. FT817
> is mounted on a slide mount where the dash tray is. I have a Yaesu FT8900R
> and DR235 installed along with a 10 watt Motorola amplified speaker for a
> number of years now. I designed a power pole distribution system for the
> rigs along with a audio distribution that combines all three rigs into the
> amplified speaker.
> Today was the first time i tuned up the KXPA-100 with the FT-817 as I just
> finalized the interface cable that controls the amp from the 817. It works
> ! Bands were dead today though so no contacts. I can run full power on 17
> with zero issues. On 40 meters, the RF gets into the anti-skid system and
> computer. Joy. I do have some audio RFI issues on 10 meters.
> Not surprising considering. Rather similar to issues i had in my 2003
> Subaru Forester but on 40 the RF would completely stall the engine when the
> rig is keyed up.
> I do have ignition “spark” noise and other hash noise on 40 meters and
> other bands. Again not surprising. I have done zero bonding on the hood to
> date so that is my first target. The antenna mount is bonded to the frame
> in the rear of the vehicle.
> I certainly have work to do yet.
> Has anyone else worked thru RFI issues on a late model Jeep Wrangler ?
> Stephanie
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*Dave - WØLEV*

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