[RFI] Starlink as unintentional radiators...

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Oct 20 14:18:54 EDT 2023

On 10/20/2023 9:37 AM, David Eckhardt wrote:
> It isn't just Starlink.  Anything with digital circuitry - about everything
> these days -  is a potential RFI generator and radiator.  Placed on orbit
> at LEO and above, they WILL generate RFI and more RF fog.

Potential, yes. But the most severe noise is generally radiated from 
wiring connected to the source, and that wiring is most effective as an 
antenna when it is a significant fraction of a wavelength.

Most of the press, even the best of them, are pretty ignorant of 
anything approaching science outside the world of medicine and climate. 
They would be quite unlikely to know, for example, if the interference 
was to systems operating in the same spectrum, and that the interference 
might have been the result of poor immunity in the victim.

73, Jim K9YC

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