[RFI] power line noise

Tom Cox tomcox at iquest.net
Thu Aug 1 18:11:29 EDT 2024

Hey, All,

I have one or more strong power line noise sources that appeared in the 
last couple of months.

The equipment that passes my house is relatively new (2015-16), but the 
noise has appeared after several episodes of storm damage that required 
repairs beginning back in the spring.

I had a nice conversation with the local COOP manager, but he was not 
interested in borrowing the people and equipment from another local 
utility to hunt down the problem(s). He left me with a caution that AM 
radio is dying, and that I should switch to broadband to hear what I 
want to from there. I didn't even get into being licensed and interested 
in getting back on HF, because that didn't seem to be on his radar, 
pardon the radio pun.

Anyway, If I can isolate whatever source is making AM difficult -- even 
for a 50KW station about 35 miles away -- he promised that he would send 
a crew out to examine the nearest poles. I am inclined to believe him.

Now I need some suggestions on a handheld receiver that will let me use 
VHF or UHF, on AM or SSB, with a Yagi that will narrow down the source. 
I am a geezer on a limited budget, but I would look at $200 or a little 
more, especially if I could use it to play with later.

Suggestions welcome.

Rural, Middle TN

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