[RFI] Interesting...

Gene Smar ersmar at verizon.net
Mon Dec 30 20:39:20 EST 2024

Amazon announced it planned to purchase an existing 2.5 GW nuclear generating station to power a planned data center. Check out Susquehanna Amazon Talen Energy in Google. 
73 de Gene Smar AD3F 
Sent from my Radio Shack TRS-80 model 100 laptop 
  On Mon, Dec 30, 2024 at 6:11 PM, Ed Edwards - K0iL via RFI<rfi at contesting.com> wrote:   Other articles this year point out the power generation load problem is
going to be the limiting factor in what AI can and cannot do.  This once
from Pop Sci covered the lack of generation for the AI power load needs.  


An article in IEEE Spectrum was a fictional story that described turning
once of  the planets like mercury into a massive power generating facility
so that AI could have enough computing power supplied.  Some apparently
think the generation needed will be the limiting factor.  It will be if they
think wind and solar will meet AI's power needs.  

73, de ed -K0iL

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI <rfi-bounces+eddieedwards=centurylink.net at contesting.com> On
Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2024 00:06

On 12/29/2024 6:43 PM, William Kim . wrote:
> This is interesting.  We (our utility) keep an eye on loads and distortion
caused by loads.  There are restrictions.

The link seems to be "technobabble" from a reporter who didn't understand
most of what someone (or multiple someones) told him.

Power systems all over the world have been plagued with highly distorted
load currents for decades, ever since electronic loads have become a very
large fraction of the load on our power systems. Virtually all the load
current flows at positive and negative peaks of the sine wave, causing very
high levels of distortion. To make matters much worse, triplen harmonics
(those whose harmonic number is divisible by three) from load currents ADD
in the neutral in three phase systems, and leakage currents add in the
protective earth. I addressed all of this about 20 years ago in this "White
Paper for contractors installing large audio and video systems for public

What is far more concerning about these data centers is the sheer magnitude
of their loads, and added demands it places on power systems, cooling
systems and the loads they place on the environment, and so on. 
I've seen a lot of more intelligent and better informed reporting on on
these very real issues in the mainstream press.

73, Jim K9YC

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