[RFI] USB Cable Shield Resistance was: Re: [N1MM+] open question about RFI & USB

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jan 16 15:07:41 EST 2024

On 1/16/2024 11:11 AM, K9MA wrote:
> I suspect some of the router birdies I hear are coming from my own 
> router, and perhaps shielded cables would have reduced them.

There are birdies around 14030, 21030, the low end of 10M CW and 6M that 
come from wired Ethernet. We hear our own plus those of our neighbors. 
They're free-running, so we hear multiples. These are what I hear on CW; 
there are probably others. I avoid them by using WiFi. My only exposure 
is a very short cable between modem and router, which I choke seriously.

When I was still in Chicago and still using wire Ethernet, broadband 
noise from it wiped out 2M from NSRC repeater.

73, Jim K9YC

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