[RFI] USB Cable Shield Resistance was: Re: [N1MM+] open question about RFI & USB

Clay Autery ky5g at montac.com
Tue Jan 16 19:50:32 EST 2024

Yes sir.  You, me, & a small minority have Fluke instruments and/or better, VNAs, etc.  <smile>

Yes sir, I know that resistance is not really the issue.  I was just answering the question only and trying NOT (for a change) to add extra "stuff".  <big smile>

I knew you'd be along soon to provide concise instruction when I saw the responses.  Didn't want to muddy up the water.

Y'all be well!


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On Jan 16, 2024, 4:59 PM, at 4:59 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
>On 1/16/2024 2:36 PM, Clay Autery wrote:
>> IME, range from "not measurable with commonly available
>My 40 year old Fluke 8060A will get down below 0.1 Ohms.
>The issue is not shield resistance, but rather 1) whether it is a
>or a wire, 2) the quality of the shield, and 3) where it is connected
>both ends.
>73, Jim K9YC
>RFI mailing list
>RFI at contesting.com

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