[RFI] New noise wiping out 160m

Thomas Hoyer thoyer1 at verizon.net
Wed Jan 17 10:58:55 EST 2024

 I agree it would be best to search through the neighborhood but that assumes I have portable equipment / antennas to do this. Right now all I have is the AM radio in the truck and will do some driving around on my way home from work later today.
I was thinking that I could use the 6 meter beam on the tower to maybe provide some directivity clues.
I thought the cycle time would be a clue (as was pointed out possibly a heater).
There are many noise sources around me with power lines surrounding the property, Industrial buildings across the street with a shopping center beyond them.
I agree, time to start digging.........

    On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 08:37:30 AM EST, Michael Martin <mike at rfiservices.com> wrote:  
 I agree it really is a waste of time to try to analyze the symptom. The
next step is to locate it.. using the highest frequency that is detectable
on utilize attenuation to narrow down the area. Always maintaining the
lowest level of sensitivity in your search. Be absolutely certain that what
you find is the actual cause and the same source and not something similar.

Michael Martin
RFI Services
51 W Bay Front Rd
Lothian, MD 20711

mike at rfiservices.com

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024, 8:33 AM AA5CT via RFI <rfi at contesting.com> wrote:

>  re: " Thoights? "
> Find it!
> See if it extends as low as the AM broadcast band, then using the
> directional capabilities of the loopstick antenna see if you can get an
> initial bearing while outside the house?
> de AA5CT Jim
>    On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 7:03:31 AM GMT-6, Thomas Hoyer via RFI
> <rfi at contesting.com> wrote:
>  I normally have S5-S7 noise on 160m but recently I now have +20dB noise
> that seems to cycle at approx 2.5 minute on/off cycles. I was not active on
> 160 in December but it wasn't there in Nov and I just noticed it in the
> last week or so, so I really can't pin point when it started.
> As an example, W1AW code practice at 1802.5 is typically 20 of S9 here.
> When the noise comes on it wipes out W1AW.
> Thoights?
> TomW3TA
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