Gary Johnson
gwj at me.com
Wed Jul 17 16:08:15 EDT 2024
My brand new Carrier Infinity HVAC system is totally RFI quiet. Multiple adjustable speed drives. Except for the big compressor, the drive electronics are integrated into the motor housings, eliminating many likely RFI radiators. There’s a HUGE board full of L, C, and ferrite chokes at the power inlet to the compressor. I have to hand it to Carrier, they did a thorough job. I have to walk right up to the equipment with my DFing antenna to detect anything. If there was a problem, I noted that there is room inside all enclosures for additional custom filter components. Photos available.
Also a big Bryant mini split was just installed at N6RO. I had previously been taken by the contractor to an identical installation to check for RFI. Nothing detected! Same for the Mitsubishi mini split at my remote station, where it sits right under all the antennas. This is all good news… I’m beginning to think that the major manufacturers are doing the right thing.
Gary NA6O
> I have a 20 year old forced hot air, gas furnace. Still working fine, but
> it will need to be replaced in the next few years. I would also like to add
> A/C to the mix.
> Anything new in that area ? There is a great presentation at
> https://viennawireless.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/HILLSON_RFI_PDF_3SEP2021.pdf
> or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj-14H-HpFU , but I have seen very
> little recently. Have any of you installed new HVAC recently and dealt with
> RFI ? Good or bad experiences with installers and manufacturers ?
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
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