[RFI] Info needed

Dave (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Thu Jul 18 09:12:32 EDT 2024


Take a look at the attached screenshot of the FairRite catalog...  A is 
the OD, B is the ID, and C is the length.  Look at the second pair of 
numbers from the left, numbers 3 and 4.  That is typically the mix 
number.  You can take those numbers to the various vendors to see if 
they have any.  If the list strips the screenshot, send me an email 
direct, and I will shoot you the data.

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 7/17/24 19:41, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 7/17/2024 2:31 PM, Ken Gordon wrote:
>> I can find mix 43 and mix 71 beads, but so far, no mix 31. I even 
>> tried eBay.
> Hi Ken,
> Dave and I have been good friends and collaborators for years, but I 
> strongly suggest that you study my work on HF chokes. His advice to use 
> #43 for HF suppression is wrong. While Dave has done a lot of excellent 
> work on identifying, chasing, and fixing RFI issues, my work on chokes 
> is FAR more extensive (since 2004) that any solid work I've seen 
> published. And the guys at Palomar don't have a clue -- they're just 
> selling stuff.
> k9yc.com/publish.htm
> 73, Jim K9YC
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