[RFI] Info needed

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jul 18 14:11:30 EDT 2024

Yes, but he wants something that doesn't work. I could fill my gas tank 
with water, but it wouldn' get me very far!

The only bead that WORKS at HF with no turns is Fair-Rite #73, and the 
largest size just fits on RG142. It's the one that Walt Maxwell used in 
his very good paper way back when. And to do anything useful, he showed 
that you need 100 of them to make a dent, the largest number used 
several chokes he published. Sadly, the only ones ever sold following 
his idea were for the the smallest number of beads, and they were BADLY 
under-rated for power or to kill noise, because there weren't nearly 
enough of them.

73, Jim K9YC

On 7/18/2024 6:01 AM, Wes Stewart via RFI wrote:
>   Did you actually read what the OP said?  It's a rhetorical question; of
>   course you didn't, otherwise you would not have issued your usual
> answer to anything ferrite.  He has a specific need, a suppressor bead
> he can slip onto a wire near the pins of tube sockets.  You want him to
> wrap ten turns of wire through a big core.  He wants a BEAD.  As far as I
>   can determine, you can't buy a BEAD in mix 31.  (If you can, please
> pass along the source)  Mix 43 has been used successfully for this
> purpose for years.  You can actually buy a mix 43 bead.  A wise old
> engineer once told me, "You should never use parts you ain't got."

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