[RFI] New ARRL Mission statement > Was solar fix

Mike Fatchett W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu Jul 25 23:04:43 EDT 2024

The ARRL today release a new Mission statement.  2nd on the list is 
protection of Ham Radio.  I am very curious to see what that plan is.  
Does it include stopping/reduction RFI emission from devices that 
continue to pollute the ham bands making harder and harder for people to 
enjoy the hobby?  Is that enough to get the FCC to start actually doing 
their job?


> 73, Pete N4ZR
> On 7/25/2024 3:42 PM, David Colburn wrote:
>> You made it 'political'.
>> This has nothing to do with a constitutional-conservative preference for
>> less government and more liberty.
>> It has to do with corruption by monopolies and the relocation of funds
>> from enforcement to enabling-profit of corporations that donate to the
>> Party-in-power. (Consider who that was for the past 16 years - 
>> there's been
>> no push for "small government" for at least 12 of the 16, and 
>> precious little
>> the other 4.)
>> If it were about "small government" the FCC would have a smaller budget
>> and clearly-defined priorities - which would include keeping the 
>> spectrum
>> clean.
>> IMHO, YMMV ... KD4E
>> On 7/25/24 14:22, David Eckhardt wrote:
>>> They're gone in the name of "small government".
>>> I do not consider this political, please, it's reality.
>>> I'll attempt to keep my fingers off the keyboard in the future 
>>> addressing
>>> this issue.
>>> Dave - WØLEV
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