[RFI] New ARRL Mission statement > Was solar fix

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 18:21:38 EDT 2024

thank you, Ed.

Dave - WØLEV

On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 10:02 PM Hare, Ed, W1RFI <w1rfi at arrl.org> wrote:

> <I hear you on a coordinated effort through ARRL.  But I have graciously
> done several individual problems with my equipment. for hams  All have been
> the "fault" of our power provider in the county and out of the cities.
> Here in N. Colorado in the county, we have a very good relationship with
> them.  Once reported, they were on it the next day. Are you proposing to
> tie my hands behind my back with such efforts?  I do not charge anything
> for hams.  Nor do I do solar installation as they are a
> given.>
> That local RFI work is a very important part of the process and some
> sections and divisions have organized RFI teams.  One of the roles ARRL
> staff has in our FCC process is to ensure that the correct source has been
> identified.  Not every ham has the ability to do that, but local RFI teams
> can do a better job of that than ARRL staff can do over the phone.  Local
> relationships with individual power companies can also be very effective
> locally.
> That is different in kind than the kind of thing that NK7Z is discussing.
> Ed, W1RFI
> ------------------------------
> *From:* RFI <rfi-bounces+w1rfi=arrl.org at contesting.com> on behalf of
> David Eckhardt <davearea51a at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, July 29, 2024 5:54 PM
> *To:* dave at nk7z.net <dave at nk7z.net>
> *Cc:* rfi at contesting.com <rfi at contesting.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [RFI] New ARRL Mission statement > Was solar fix
> QUOTE (DAVE, NK7Z):  We are just lucky we USED to have emergency status, we
> don't
>                                          have that anymore in the FCC's
> eyes, so the rules are different.
> We also had the attention of DoD.  Is that still in place, or has that gone
> down with the emergency loss as well?
> I hear you on a coordinated effort through ARRL.  But I have graciously
> done several individual problems with my equipment. for hams  All have been
> the "fault" of our power provider in the county and out of the cities.
> Here in N. Colorado in the county, we have a very good relationship with
> them.  Once reported, they were on it the next day.
> Are you proposing to tie my hands behind my back with such efforts?  I do
> not charge anything for hams.  Nor do I do solar installation as they are a
> given.
> If I can't help others with my equipment and training as an EMC/RFI
> engineer, its time for my pine box.
> Dave - WØLEV
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 9:43 PM Dave (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would think that we would want a single voice speaking for us.  Not a
> > bunch of discordant, non organized, not communicating between
> > themselves, citizen groups, all talking to the same companys the ARRL
> > has spent a few years creating working relationships with, and then one
> > of them threatening an entity with a lawsuit.  The first time that
> > happens, is the last time the threatened entity, (and maybe all of
> > them), talks to the ARRL or anyone else for that matter, without a
> > lawyer reviewing everything said and done.  At that point the focus
> > shifts from RFI corrections, to a game of legal cover ass...
> >
> > I guarantee you-- someone sometime soon, will threaten a lawsuit to one
> > of the companies the ARRL is currently working with, and crap up the
> > relationship the ARRL has worked so hard to create...
> >
> > That is why you discourage people from forming grass roots, anti RFI
> > groups, that are not affiliated with the biggest dog the Amateur
> > community has right now, the ARRL.  This HAS to be a coordinated effort!
> >
> > We need to wake up and realize that the cat is already out of the bag,
> > some of the foreign, (and probably some of the American manufacturers),
> > have already discovered they can submit a test article to a lab, obtain
> > a pass, get FCC blessing, and then remove components and sell the "new"
> > device without a low pass filter in it, saving them tons of money,
> > (while spraying RFI all over), until they get caught.
> >
> > We are no longer in the PROACTIVE FCC world we grew up in, we are now in
> > the REACTIVE FCC world that exists today, and will NEVER go back to
> > PROACTIVE FCC again...
> >
> > I suspect if the FCC were to hit the companies doing switch game with
> > meaningful punishments, (read that as millions of bucks in fines, and a
> > hiatus on importation, or sale into the US markets, for at least one
> > year), things would get somewhat better.
> >
> > The fact of the matter is we are small potatoes to the FCC, and the
> > vendors.  We are just lucky we USED to have emergency status, we don't
> > have that anymore in the FCC's eyes, so the rules are different.  We
> > need to adapt to the new environment...  We all know what happens to
> > species that fail to adapt...
> >
> > 73, and thanks,
> > Dave (NK7Z)
> > https://www.nk7z.net
> > ARRL Volunteer Examiner
> > ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
> > ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
> > I never learned from a man who agreed with me. (HeinLein)
> >
> > On 7/29/24 09:24, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
> > > Why would we want to discourage people from actually organizing a grass
> > > roots movement and make our case heard.
> >
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> > RFI mailing list
> > RFI at contesting.com
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> >
> --
> *Dave - WØLEV*
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*Dave - WØLEV*

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