[RFI] New ARRL Mission statement > Was solar fix

Mike Fatchett W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Jul 30 10:56:51 EDT 2024

With the current state of affairs at the ARRL and management I am 
certain that I am not overly interested in throwing all our eggs in that 
basket regarding RFI.

It is amazing to me that people are willing to shoot down ideas before 
they are really formed.  God forbid that a grass roots organization 
could actually pick up some steam.  Why could that organization not work 
hand in hand with others?

This my way or the highway way of doing things needs to end. Lets just 
leave it for the ARRL, that has done next to nothing for years and is 
taking on water like the Titanic. I haven't seen anything out of the CEO 
or President that shows they have the ability to organize and manage a 
huge effort like this. It sounds great on paper, lacks any detail like 
nearly all their ideas. I would like to see them do something that works 

To be clear I appreciate what is currently being done at the ARRL RFI 
dept but the scale is far to small. For every success we fall further 
and further behind as the same power supplies are docking on our shores 
and being sold be everyday. How many bad solar installations are done a 
day? Does anyone really believe we will be able to get them to go fix 
every bad installation? What are the chances of the Solar lobby just 
paying off congress and getting a get out of jail exemption? We need 
every ham and every industry affected on board.

If we can't talk freely, openly, honestly and civilly among ourselves we 
stand very little chance to change things.

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