[RFI] My biggest fear is happening
Steve Muenich
srmuenich at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 13:31:17 EDT 2024
I’d be annoyed too with someone getting up in my business and getting the world all riled up before it’s even complete to see if there is even an issue.
I’d suggest calming down, take a baseline and see what happens.
Then deal with it then.
Steve, NA5C
Sent from my mobile device
> On Jun 5, 2024, at 12:13 PM, Bob Kozlarek WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com> wrote:
> I sent an email to Steve Anderson, but I’m not sure if the ARRL email is
> back up and running. I also left him a voice message. We decided to contact
> solar wave on my own and after masquerading as an installer I actually got
> someone to call me back. I may have got lucky, but the girl I spoke with
> had an excellent knowledge of using the phonetic alphabet when she was
> repeating my email address back to me. After 20 minute phone call, she got
> back on the line to tell me that the matter has been escalated to their
> engineering department and that their engineering department is going to
> reach out to the installer who is here right now. When I told him that I
> escalated the manner and that somebody would be contacting him, he seemed
> quite annoyed. I’ll keep everyone posted.
> *Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
> don't ask"*
>> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:25 PM Bob Kozlarek WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Already done
>> *Best 73 de WA2SQQ*
>> *Elmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we don't ask"*
>>> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:16 PM Stephanie WX3K <wx3k at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Do baseline measurements of your band noise floors before they turn it on
>>> Stephanie WX3K
>>>> On Jun 5, 2024, at 10:11 AM, Bob Kozlarek WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> So let’s assume Solar Edge is what they use. How has the feedback been
>>> on
>>>> noise?
>>>> *Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
>>>> don't ask"*
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 10:06 AM Michael Carter <Mike.Carter at unh.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bob,
>>>>> Unless your neighbor has opted to purchase
>>>>> and own the solar PV system, Sunrun is the
>>>>> owner and obligated to address any RFI
>>>>> issues associated with its installations.
>>>>> The Sunrun business model is leasing
>>>>> of the installed PV system at a fixed cost
>>>>> to the residence owner.
>>>>> I tried to research the brands of products
>>>>> used by Sunrun installers and found little
>>>>> information thus far. Sunrun entered into
>>>>> a purchase agreement with SolarEdge for
>>>>> inverters several years ago, but I don't know
>>>>> if Sunrun is still using SolarEdge products.
>>>>> Readers of this list know all too well of
>>>>> RFI problems with SolarEdge's line of
>>>>> 'solar optimizers', which are DC-DC switch-mode
>>>>> power converters connected to each PV module.
>>>>> Paul, W9AC's advice to quickly get a baseline
>>>>> reading of RF background levels on all bands
>>>>> on which you operate is the best action you
>>>>> can take now. I would also reach out to
>>>>> Steve, W1EMI at ARRL Laboratory who has
>>>>> interacted with SolarEdge and possibly Sunrun
>>>>> on RFI issues.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Mike, K8CN
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* RFI <rfi-bounces+mike.carter=unh.edu at contesting.com> on
>>> behalf of
>>>>> Bob Kozlarek WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com>
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 5, 2024 9:25 AM
>>>>> *To:* rfi <rfi at contesting.com>
>>>>> *Subject:* [RFI] My biggest fear is happening
>>>>> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the University System.
>>> Do
>>>>> not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
>>>>> know the content is safe.
>>>>> Woke up this morning to discover a “Sunrun” solar truck in my neighbors
>>>>> driveway. I’ve got a very good relation with my neighbor. I shared my
>>>>> concerns and she admitted she wasn’t aware of the potential problem.
>>> The
>>>>> installers said, it should not cause any problems. I’m going to speak
>>> with
>>>>> the installers later today. What are the known components (brands)
>>> that are
>>>>> known offenders?
>>>>> I’m going to try and remain optimistic, but I have a bad feeling.
>>>>> *Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
>>>>> don't ask"*
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