[RFI] Finally located my RFI

David Decoons rocketnj at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 17:00:45 EDT 2024

Thanks for the info. Inquiring minds like to know. 

My friend had wide band noise on several HF bands and 28 MHz was worst. Tracked down to digital LCD display on their high end stove. Company sent a new connecting cable which passed through a ferrite ring. No idea what mix and not multiple passes. I used a pin extractor to take one end apart and used a mix31 and got it wrapped 4 times (most I could do and have cable reach. Knocked the noise from s9+20 to s5.

My neighbor bought a new washing machine about 3 or 4 years ago. Very distinctive pattern on waterfall on 40 when it started. I am not sociable with them since they wrote the town that I installed an illegal tower when I put up a ground mounted GAP vertical. I just put up with it but could tell what day was laundry day. Then one day it just stopped. Maybe with their family of four kids it broke and they got something different?

73 , back in to lurking mode. Learn a lot from reading the emails on the list. One of the most informative lists on the Internet.

Dave wo2x
Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 20, 2024, at 12:51 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
> On 6/20/2024 7:13 AM, Dave (NK7Z) wrote:
>> Looking at the graphs for impedance on both mix31 and mix43, (I still need to check
> Dave,
> Study my material on this. Fair-Rite #31 is the ONLY material I know of suitable for HF suppression, and winding turns is critical. And if you can get inside to get at the wiring, twisted pair is far more likely to make a big dent.
> k9yc.com/RFI-Ham.pdf
> 73, Jim K9YC
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