[RFI] Replacement For Fluorescent Tubes

Wes Stewart n7ws at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 26 13:28:22 EDT 2024

 Depends.  Note that most of the LED replacements are "32-watt" equivalents.  If you are using 40-watt fluorescent now, the light output will be only about 60% with LED.
Speaking of RFI, when I built my garage I made it extra deep with a workshop area on one end.  I installed three 4-tube fixtures from Home Depot, wired up with flex conduit.  The RFI was so bad it would wipe out the TV in my RV parked next to the garage.  It was then that I learned that these were "industrial" fixtures but they made a residential fixture that had filtered ballasts.  Of course HD didn't stock these.
So I talked to the store manager and pointed out that when I entered the building, it said "HOME" in huge letters outside, but the product was labeled "for industrial use only."  Long story short, he agreed to order replacement filtered ballasts and I agreed to install them, saving me the work of uninstalling the fixtures.  The fixtures are RF quiet, which can't be said about some cheap ones at the other end of the garage that are seldom on.
Wes  N7WS

    On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 04:34:46 PM MST, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:  
 I need to replace bulbs in existing 4-ft T8 magnetic fixtures. I'd like 
to do it with no mods to the fixtures. Should I stick with fluorescents, 
or can anyone recommend a good LED replacement?

Thanks and 73, Jim K9YC

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