[RFI] New noise source in MW band

Volodya S canswl at gmail.com
Wed May 1 00:35:38 EDT 2024

 This is my first posting.  I have a remote site on the ocean due south of
Ketchikan, AK.  I have a number of receivers there as well as an antenna
farm.  A couple of days ago, I just noted a new noise source which seems to
be centered on the MW band around 930 kHz, but visible across the entire MW
band.  The frequency seems to be every 7.9 kHz or so.  So far, it's daytime
only.  I do have neighbours down the road, a few hundred meters away.  The
noise is visible on my 290 deg DKAZ antenna, as well as a Beverage on the
Ground, aimed about the same direction.  Not visible on a 110 deg DKAZ, nor
magnetic loops aimed 40/220 degrees.  I'm wondering whether anyone
immediately recognizes the source and can explain why the unusual 7.9 kHz
spacing, and also the little blip that I caught just now.  My first thought
is a new solar array.  Here's a link for some screen captures of the noise,
and especially when it changes, or switches off.
I've listened to it tonight at length.  It went off briefly at 9:10 PM
local, but returned within 8 minutes and is still on now (9:33 PM).  My
Local sunset is about 9:20 PM.  It's been quite active during the last hour
with frequent subtle changes in the pitch of the tone which is visible on
the waterfall of my kiwiSDR.  Here are several screen captures from tonight
of the noise which I've uploaded to dropbox.  Please help me understand
what the heck this new terrible noise source might be!!!   Thanks, and


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