[RFI] New RFI Source

AA5CT jwin95 at yahoo.com
Mon May 27 00:23:23 EDT 2024

 Another possibility - aquarium heater? One of those jobbies that clamps over the edge of the 
aquarium in a glass tube maybe an inch diameter and 4 or so inches long.

de AA5CT Jim

    On Sunday, May 26, 2024, 2:52:57 PM GMT-5, K9MA <k9ma at sdellington.us> wrote:  
  I'm in the middle of a city, so there are no electric fences or horses nearby. 
  I was able to hear it with a portable receiver just now. As I was standing near a neighbor's house which seemed a likely source, it just stopped. A few minutes after I got home, it started up again. Assuming it persists, I should be able to track it down and post the results. 
  73, Scott K9MA
  On 5/26/2024 2:16 PM, AA5CT wrote:
 How close to somebody with a large fenced horse yard do you live? 
  Sounds like an electric fence charger cycling. 
  de AA5CT Jim
      On Sunday, May 26, 2024, 12:17:13 PM GMT-5, K9MA <k9ma at sdellington.us> wrote:  
   I'm hearing a new local RFI source. It produces a 1 second burst of 
  broadband noise at regular intervals of 3.5 seconds. I'm hearing it on 
  80 through 15 meters. In AM mode, it sounds like it's modulated at 120 
  Hz. It's very broad-band, so not likely a switching supply.
  Any ideas on what kind of device might be producing this?
  Scott K9MA
  Scott  K9MA
  k9ma at sdellington.us
  RFI mailing list
  RFI at contesting.com

Scott  K9MA

k9ma at sdellington.us   

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