[RFI] Solar Edge Update

Michael Carter Mike.Carter at unh.edu
Wed Nov 13 15:11:15 EST 2024

Thanks, Bob - yours is the first positive data point in the several responses I received privately.  I will be gathering panadapter spectrum screenshots on the HF bands over the next few days or so at various times of the day.  I have a power line arc source in the neighborhood, which may confuse matters for the FCC if I should have to file a formal complaint, but it is weather-dependent.  When that arc source is quiet, the band noise levels on 20 meters and up are S2 or less. I've been in the habit of recording S-meter readings of background band noise whenever I'm in front of the radio, which is several times each week, often multiple times per day.

Mike, K8CN
From: RFI <rfi-bounces+mike.carter=unh.edu at contesting.com> on behalf of Bob WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 1:16 PM
To: rfi <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] Solar Edge Update

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I recently shared my personal experience with what you called the “dreaded
Solar Edge” system. If your situation is using the Solar Edge hardware, I
can assure you that their newest hardware updates totally eliminated the
noise from my neighbors system. Her system to my antenna distance is about
50 ft. I’m in the process of creating an article for QST that will
hopefully be published. I have their revision numbers to be sure affected
systems can be updated. Solar Edge was very cooperative with me. Reach out
directly to me if you have any questions. Steve Andrew’s at ARRL was also a
big part of this positive outcome.

“I ventured over to my neighbor this afternoon and spoke with the site
supervisor.  The system being installed is the dreaded Solar Edge, complete
with DC-DC converters ('solar optimizers') on each 410 watt PV module and
two central inverters.  It is a large rooftop system comprising at least 30
PV modules. My hope at the moment is that the Solar Edge optimizers and
inverters are the beneficiary of Steve, W1EMI's work with that company to
get them to clean up their equipment designs for RFI.

I've got about a month of time before the system is given the interconnect
go-ahead by the local electric utility, and I'll be adding to my records of
band noise levels as a function of time-of-day.

Mike, K8CN”

*Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
don't ask"*
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