[RFI] RFI 80 through 10 meters every 10 KHz tracked down to neighbors house

Don Kirk wd8dsb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 11:08:55 EDT 2024

I've been encountering new RFI this year every 10 KHz on 80 through 10
meters and quickly (within minutes) tracked the RFI down to my neighbors
house using my Portable Flag with DX engineering preamp connected to my
laptop based SDR receiver.  My neighbor lives on an adjacent street and his
backyard butts up to the side of my backyard.

I finally approached my neighbor yesterday who I get along with just great,
and using my small 1 1/8 inch sniffer loop with the DX Engineering preamp
connected to my SDR receiver we (my neighbor and I) were able to identify
what circuit breaker in his main panel was suspect.  We then turned on and
off this circuit breaker and sure enough the RFI at my house as well as at
the homeowners house can be turned on and off via this circuit breaker.
The circuit breaker is identified as "basement" and therefore will have to
schedule another time to enter the basement to investigate what device is
generating the RFI as 3 generations of family live in the house and the
person who has a bedroom in the basement was not home at the time.

I have some suspicions on what's causing the RFI based on some other pieces
of information I have about recent equipment installations and repair
at my neighbors home but I need to keep an open mind as always and will let
the data talk.

For those interested, here is a link to a youtube video I just uploaded
that shows the sniffer loop at the suspect circuit breaker and our turning
on and off the RFI via the circuit breaker.

Youtube video link: https://youtu.be/2fJav77AVok

Just FYI, and 73.
Don (wd8dsb)

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