[RFI] Finally a Solaredge Resolution!

Gary Mayfield gary_mayfield at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 25 11:11:49 EDT 2024

That’s my kind of story!

Joe kk0sd
Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 25, 2024, at 9:52 AM, Bob WA2SQQ <wa2sqq at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few months ago I posted to this group after discovering that my neighbor
> was having a solar system installed. I approached the installer to
> determine whose hardware they were using, and if the interconnect cables
> were twisted and if any ferrite chokes were used. I was told they were
> using Solaredge hardware. After explaining why I was asking he replied, “so
> you expect to deprive residents of solar energy because of your radio”? I
> asked if he would let me know when the system was activated. He dismissed
> me and walked away.
> It took about 1 month before the system was activated. Sure enough 40m
> looked like a picket fence. I contacted Solaredge who was receptive to
> speaking with me and asked I submit the complaint in an e-mail. I did so,
> copying Steve Andrews @ ARRL. Within a few days I received a call asking if
> I would agree to a Zoom meeting with their engineer.  We did some live
> testing where they remotely turned the system on and off. Within 5 minutes
> they confirmed and admitted that their system was at fault. They said they
> would get back to me. About a week later they told me that several newly
> designed parts were ordered and would be shipped as soon as possible. They
> voluntarily told me that they hope to have the matter resolved within 30
> days. Soon thereafter two shipments arrived at my neighbor’s home. To my
> surprise, I was also copied on the UPS tracking notices. On Oct 21st a crew
> of 4 showed up from the local installer. I learned that new optimizer
> boards were installed, new twisted cables with integrated ferrite chokes
> were replaced, and some sort ferrite choke was added to a junction box.
> Steve Andrews said possibly a new inverter as well.
> The crew left without notifying me. Holding my breath I fired up my Flex
> 6500. To my surprise, 40m and every other band was interference free! I
> plan on writing an article that will be submitted to the ARRL. I’m also
> thinking of creating a short online survey to gather data to show that
> quiet solar systems might appeal to the 400K licensed hams. There are a lot
> more details to this story, and I know that the ARRL can’t endorse
> Solaredge. However, it does show hopes that quiet system are possible.
> On a closing note, Solaredge followed up with me and explained that the
> newly designed system components would be part of all new installations,
> and that similar service can be done for existing customers.
> *Best 73 de WA2SQQ*
> *Elmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we don't ask"*
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