[RFI] Finally a Solaredge Resolution!
wa2sqq at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 12:33:19 EDT 2024
There’s one extremely important aspect to the outcome of this situation. I
have a very friendly relation with my neighbor. When it snows, I always
make sure that I run the snowblower down her sidewalk and driveway. Never
take your neighbors for granted and always lend to helping hand whenever
you can in situations like this. It really makes things so much easier.
*Best 73 de WA2SQQElmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we
don't ask"*
On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 12:18 PM Jamie WW3S <ww3s at zoominternet.net> wrote:
> O*n a closing note, Solaredge followed up with me and explained that the *
> *newly designed system components would be part of all new installations, *
> *and that similar service can be done for existing customers.*
> They told me the same thing in 2021.......sounds very similar to my
> circumstances, minus the delay due to COVID.....glad it worked out......
> ------ Original Message ------
> From "Bob WA2SQQ" <wa2sqq at gmail.com>
> To "rfi" <rfi at contesting.com>
> Date 10/25/2024 10:51:08 AM
> Subject [RFI] Finally a Solaredge Resolution!
> A few months ago I posted to this group after discovering that my neighbor
> was having a solar system installed. I approached the installer to
> determine whose hardware they were using, and if the interconnect cables
> were twisted and if any ferrite chokes were used. I was told they were
> using Solaredge hardware. After explaining why I was asking he replied, “so
> you expect to deprive residents of solar energy because of your radio”? I
> asked if he would let me know when the system was activated. He dismissed
> me and walked away.
> It took about 1 month before the system was activated. Sure enough 40m
> looked like a picket fence. I contacted Solaredge who was receptive to
> speaking with me and asked I submit the complaint in an e-mail. I did so,
> copying Steve Andrews @ ARRL. Within a few days I received a call asking if
> I would agree to a Zoom meeting with their engineer. We did some live
> testing where they remotely turned the system on and off. Within 5 minutes
> they confirmed and admitted that their system was at fault. They said they
> would get back to me. About a week later they told me that several newly
> designed parts were ordered and would be shipped as soon as possible. They
> voluntarily told me that they hope to have the matter resolved within 30
> days. Soon thereafter two shipments arrived at my neighbor’s home. To my
> surprise, I was also copied on the UPS tracking notices. On Oct 21st a crew
> of 4 showed up from the local installer. I learned that new optimizer
> boards were installed, new twisted cables with integrated ferrite chokes
> were replaced, and some sort ferrite choke was added to a junction box.
> Steve Andrews said possibly a new inverter as well.
> The crew left without notifying me. Holding my breath I fired up my Flex
> 6500. To my surprise, 40m and every other band was interference free! I
> plan on writing an article that will be submitted to the ARRL. I’m also
> thinking of creating a short online survey to gather data to show that
> quiet solar systems might appeal to the 400K licensed hams. There are a lot
> more details to this story, and I know that the ARRL can’t endorse
> Solaredge. However, it does show hopes that quiet system are possible.
> On a closing note, Solaredge followed up with me and explained that the
> newly designed system components would be part of all new installations,
> and that similar service can be done for existing customers.
> *Best 73 de WA2SQQ*
> *Elmwood Park, NJ"The only dumb questions are those we don't ask"*
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