[RFI] FW: RF noise and ground

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 15:35:03 EST 2025

Jim, these days there is a lot ARRL just doesn't get - or WANT to
get......  And it's becoming worse.  A decade or so ago, I and several
others at different times, had solid articles rejected for "being too
technical".  I believe that speaks for all of ARRL these days.  Sad.

Dave - WØLEV


On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 7:51 PM Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

> On 1/26/2025 11:35 AM, David Eckhardt wrote:
> > Personally, I do not like the term used in the US: "GROUND".  Amateur
> > radio operators make something out of "ground" that truly does not or
> > never did exist.  "Ground" this....."ground" that......assure everything
> > is "grounded".....  bla...bla...blah....blah... . . .
> Strongly agree, David. Back in 2010, when new Handbook editor N0AX asked
> me to produce a major contribution to the Handbook on EMC, my
> introduction included a paragraph or two on the misunderstandings
> created by four different meanings of the words "ground" and the concept
> of "single point," the resulting major mistakes that result.
> Unfortunately, Ed Hare, W1RFI, didn't like what I was writing, and nixed
> it. I was told that he was ranting in the halls about it!
> 73, Jim K9YC


*Dave - WØLEV*

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