[RSM] NCCC Sprint Ladder announcement

Jack/W6NF vhfplus at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 09:38:03 EST 2016

FYI, the announcement of the next CW Sprint ladder.

You'll have to read the rules to get the idea of the Sprint QSY rule. It is
very different from anything else you might have encountered in Radiosport.

There is a reason the NCCC folks refer to it as the fastest half-hour in



You'll have to read the rules to get the idea of the Sprint QSY rule. It is
very different from anything else you might have encountered in Radiosport.

There is a reason the NCCC folks refer to it as the fastest half-our in



The NCCC Sprint Team is pleased to announce:

The 26th NCCC Sprint Ladder competition, NSL XXVI .  .  .  .
Contesting on the Edge

Start Date: Jan 13 for Seven Weeks
Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24.  (Thursday evening in NA)

Time: 0230-0300Z (Friday, Zulu, Thursday evening in NA)

Bands: 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160

A station's top four scores are counted in the final compilation -- ops can
miss 3 weeks and still compete fully in one of the ladder's 5 divisions.

See below for additional details.

Summary of Rules:

         -- 0230-0300 UTC exactly (please set time accurately)
         -- 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160m  38-44 KHz up from band edge, 1813-1818
on 160m.
          -- 100 watts max.
          -- Sprint QSY format, NAQP-style mults per band
          -- 1 KHz minimum QSY, 2-3 KHz encouraged.
          -- Contact stations once per band.
          -- Score = #QSO's x sum of band-mults
          -- Score reports to 3830scores.com (Tks, WA7BNM)
          -- In final rankings, only the top 4 scores count.

    Rules:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Schedule:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.html
    Divisions . . see map at http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
    Weekly results:  "GO" button at www.ncccsprint.com
     Operating tips: http://ncccsprint.com/operating.html

73 Bill N6ZFO  ​
NCCC Thursday Night Contesting

With K6MR (RTTY NS), N3ZZ (CW NS)  and the NCCC Advisory Group: W0BH,
K6UFO, N4AF, W4NZ, N3BB, W9RE and K4BAI.

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