[RSM] Upcoming HF Contest Season - VE6SV

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 11:41:50 EDT 2017

Hello Everyone in the RSM Empire!

It's a great Sunday morning here and one can see that fall is coming soon
as the trees are giving us some clues with yellow colours.

Saying that, so is the HF contest season. Therefore, I have started the
of the following possible participation for the VE6SV station;

CQWW DX SSB  Oct 28-29

CQWW DX CW   Nov 25-26

ARRL SS SSB     Nov 18-20

RAC Winter         Dec 30

The majority of the contests at VE6SV are multi-op which requires operators
and the better
I plan the operating team, the more fun we seem to have. Wish propagation
would be
planning cooperative!

My operating goal as a station owner is to craft a good mix of operators in
the operating team;
- with experience
- moderate experience
- the newbie with passion to learn

We are still at Solar Cycle minimum and getting into any of the Top Ten Box
scores will not
be possible given the station's northern latitude. What a perfect time to
introduce prospective
contesters to operating without the pressures of a high cycle contest event.

The multi-op environment for newcomers, what a perfect place to experience
and learn the
skills of HF contest operating with others.

Give it a think, please contact me with any questions about contesting at

I look forward to you being part of the team!

73, Gord VE6SV

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