Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 21:53:22 EST 2017

SOLP.  Operated from 23:45Z to the end, with one short break -- 6:15.

160M -- 164 QSOs  34 Sect  2 DX
80M   -- 188 QSOs  39 Sect  2 DX
40M  ---   63 QSOs  20 Sect  7 DX
20M, 15M, 20M  --  Got two locals to run the bands -  2 QSOs  2 Sect (MD
and DC) on each band; probably should have snagged VA, too.

46,310 according to N1MM+

High bands dead-dead by the time I started.  Lingered a while on 40M to try
to get some mult's.  Lingered a while on 160M toward the end because I had
heard Iowa and VE4GV S&P there.  Would have been better to jump back and
forth to 80M.  Nice rate burst there in the last few minutes.

No other MB heard, nor any North Dakota.  VE3CX on 160M and 40M, but missed
him on 80M!

73, Art K3KU/VE4VTR

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