[RSM] RSM membership List

Jack vhfplus at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 12:22:05 EDT 2017

Who is responsible for making changes to the membership list?

The reason I ask is Shelley has not been happy with her tenth district 
call and decided to revert to her old call (K7MKL). That change is 
effective today.

Also, our daughter and son-in-law have purchased a home in Kenora and 
will be moving there in mid-September. That will become my station 
location and, so, I will acquire a VE3 call. The up side is I would be 
in ONN and no longer giving out the now common MB mult. ;>)

The exciting part of operating from there is the new home is on a steep 
hill-side, only a few meters below the highest elevation within a couple 
of kilometers. In examining topographic maps I see the take-off angle is 
superb from about 45 to 225 degrees azimuth. This portends well for all 
the higher bands but especially for 6-meter operation, even with a 
modest yagi.



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