[RSM] K3KU/VE4VTR -- Note from the outlands

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 13:13:09 EDT 2017

Hope you all had fun in Field Day.  I did not get on at all (but I did have
a lot of fun with our granddaughter here on Sunday).

The RAC Canada Day contest has become my favorite after SS.  After three
years' serious effort (VE4EA in 2014; VE4VTR in 2015); at home K3KU last
year), this year has a big schedule conflict.  If I get on at all it will
be only for the first hour.  I'll be looking for you on 20M and maybe 15M
if there is a miracle opening.  I'll be fast-searching SSB and CW.

I realize that I will not count much in your score, but I want to retain
some connection to Winnipeg and RSM in these three years when I can't
travel there for Canada Day.  For 2018 I can be QRV about 02Z, hoping for
another serious Little Pistol effort from stateside (+/- grandchild care
duties).  I hope I can make it back to Manitoba in 2019.

Go RSM!  Good luck to all, have fun, and Happy Canada Day.

73, Art K3KU/VE4VTR


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