[RSM] ARRL Propagation Bulletin This Week

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 16:11:14 EDT 2017

RSM Members,

This week's ARRL Propagation Bulletin has really dialed into
some great information for us HF contest types.

Good stuff to know to manage the down draft of the current
solar cycle.


And now for  the commercial - *VE6SV* is locked and loaded for *CQWW DX SSB*
and will be a M/S entry.

Join us for some extreme radio operating, this is your invitation!

This year's team strategy is "Result the result and love the Process"

Lets let go of the purpose of winning and relaxing into an adoration of the
of contesting together. Enjoy each other's company, learn from each other.

Detaching from the ultimate end-goal frees up the passion and talent for
mastery and training in our amateur radio craft of HF contesting.

Who's joining us?

73, Gord VE6SV

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