[RSM] VE6SV - Upcoming Contest Events

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 14:38:30 EDT 2018

Hello Radiosport Manitoba!

Just a quick note on the upcoming contests at *VE6SV* this fall.If you are
in the greater Edmonton area around these dates, drop-in and see the action.

Or better yet, join the team.

   - CQWW DX SSB Oct 26-27  Multi-Single
   - CQww DX CW   Nov 24-25 Multi-Single
   - ARRL SS SSB - VE4GV  Nov 17-18
   - RAC Canada Winter Contest Dec 29

I also have plans for the following contest events in 2019;

   - CQWW 160M CW
   - ARRL DX CW and SSB

The station is ready for the contest season and antenna work has bee
completed, including a rig upgrade on station (2) position with another

I hear couple of other RSM members are off to the Caribbean for WW SSB and
CW, great stuff and have super fun.Please look for VE6SV on all bands.

The RSM reflector sure has been quiet, so I thought I make some noise.
Please share you station plans, upgrades, DX chasing activities and contest
Here are some links on antenna repair this summer, drone flyby and VE4GV
running Europe in WPX SSB;




Let's make so noise from Western Canada in the upcoming contest and chasing
DX on the bands!

73, Gord VE6SV

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