[RSM] Ferrite Chokes

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 21:38:23 EST 2020

Hello RSM Members,

We all have read about ferrite chokes as being the “magic sauce” in surprising
common mode currents etc.

I was trolling the web and found this NCJ article, at the end of the article it has
an excellent sidebar explaining ferrite chokes, it’s a good read.

https://ncjweb.com/features/sepoct16feat.pdf <https://ncjweb.com/features/sepoct16feat.pdf>

Over the winter I have been working on my station to squelch and lower my receiving
noise floor on all bands and reducing station transmitter inter-band noise.

It’s a slow progress, but I believe it will put  more Qs in the log during a contest.
The old adage “Have to hear them to work them”.

The NCJ web site is worth a visit it has a lot technical articles for contesters.

Happy reading …..

73, Gord VE6SV

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