[RSM] FW: Inviting Radiosport Manitoba to BCQP 2020

ed_richardson at shaw.ca ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Sun Jan 12 19:26:48 EST 2020


From: Rebecca Kimoto <va7bec at rac.ca> 
Sent: January 12, 2020 3:51 PM
To: ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Subject: Inviting Radiosport Manitoba to BCQP 2020


Hi Ed,

Happy New Year! I hope 2020 has started out well for you and yours. 

I’m writing today to invite Radiosport Manitoba members to join Orca DXCC in the next running of the British Columbia QSO Party — coming up in a couple of weeks. I realize that horrible CONDX is a major deterrent to participation and other same-weekend on-air events may offer greater QSO potential. But I’d encourage members to keep an ear out for BC stations calling "CQ BCQP”. Even a few QSOs might be enough to capture a lovely certificate. Maybe even the Top Canada Outside BC plaque?  In addition, last year there were so many log submissions from outside BC that we were able to offer certificates for top score in category of entry according to state/province/DX. Let’s hope that participation levels are as high or better so lots of operators get something nice for the shack wall. :)

Details for BCQP 2020 are below.  


British Columbia QSO Party 2020

presented by the Orca DX and Contest Club


Key Details

Date/Time: 1600z Feb 1 to 0359z Feb 2 AND 1600z to 2359z Feb 2


Objectives: Stations outside BC have to find as many VE7/VA7s as possible in the 20 hours of the contest. 

BC stations will be taking calls from anyone, anywhere


Exchange: BC stations give RS(T) + three-letter code representing the federal electoral district in BC and stations outside BC give province/state/"DX”



*  Collectible, original photo certificates for top scores in all classes, BC and outside BC. New photo every year! Plus, BC-themed keepsakes. 

*  Plaques awarded in 10 sponsored categories: Top YL, Top BC single-op, Top BC multi-op, Top US, Top Canada outside BC, Top DX, Top Mixed Mode, Top CW, Most Federal Districts Contacted and Top Club in BC

*  BCQP is fully supported by N1MM contest logging software, CQ/X GPS-enabled software for mobile contesting, N3FJP state QSO party logging programs and several other generic programs. Any software that creates a Cabrillo log is OK but the content MUST show the required information. See the rules for details. 

*  Follow links at http://orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html for rules, multiplier list, FAQs, in-depth event analysis/reports and scores from past years, and examples of photo certificates and plaques. 

* BCQP runs in two segments: 12 hours on Saturday and eight hours on Sunday. That's Saturday, Feb 1  10am to 10pm UR time — 1600z Feb 1 to 0359z Feb 2 — and Sunday, 10am to 6pm UR time — 1600z to 2359z Feb 2. The segments are NOT split by mode. Operate PH, CW and/or digital as you wish, on one day or both during the designated blocks of time. Everyone can work all 20 hours of the contest or a few hours on Saturday and a few hours on Sunday, or just Saturday or just Sunday. Completely up to each person. There is no required off-time, but there can be NO activity during the gap between the 12-hour block on Saturday and the eight-hour block on Sunday. 


If anyone has questions, I’m just an email away. 


GL and 73!  

Rebecca VA7BEC

BCQP Contest Coordinator

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